
Taming a Forest: Year Two

When I looked back at the pictures from last year, I thought this year was an improvement--except for that dyer's woad. I still want to kill you dead. Elsewhere in the yard we see little successes here and there. The wild flowers bloomed. The 25 cent mums bloomed. The dog wood grew, and more of them popped up. Five of the new baby pines are thriving. Sadly the aspens are struggling from neglect. And luckily only two baby pines died.

Not bad considering we don't have actual dirt or any horticulture know how.

A little better.

A little cosmos, I think.

Pure evil.

Next year, let's hope for no dyer's woad, lot's of wild flowers, bigger trees, money for some top soil, and of course more wood chips. Is it too early to mention that all I want for Christmas is a bunch of dirt and horse poop?


Wendy said...

I like your flowers

Garth and Judy said...

You can get all the horse poop - hay combination compost that you want free in west blountiful, just up from the park.