
Happy Birthday Jonas

At one year old, Jonas crawls, cruises, goes up stairs (and sometimes comes down) has eight teeth, loves baths and swimming, eats lots of grapes. He rarely speaks or signs. He usually shrieks or babbles like he's talking.

One of his greatest accomplishments is drinking through a straw. One of his worst accomplishments is taking off his own diaper.

Occasional words: dada, mama, ba (beck), bye bye, water
Occasional signs: milk, finished, more

Jonas one day old

Jonas 6 weeks old


Hotdog Trivia

I forgot to bring the Trivia Quiz to the hotdog party, so here are the questions. I'll post the answers later. One of the most important questions isn't even on the quiz. Does the Vatican even have a snack bar?

Hotdog Trivia Quiz
(Info from the National Hotdog and Sausage Council)

According to hotdog etiquette, how many bites should it take to finish a hotdog?

Which US airport sells the most hotdogs?

A meat marketer in Pennsylvania is currently trying to develop a hotdog with what unusual ingredient?
- Mushrooms
- Liverwurst
- Peanut butter

Rank the following hotdog cooking methods in order of America’s favorite.
Pan fry Microwave Grill Boil

In 1939 FDR served hotdogs and beer to which White House guest?
- King George VI
- Winston Churchill
- Norman Rockwell

True or false:
Weight Watchers includes hotdogs in its medically approved regimen.

NASA has approved hotdogs as a regular menu item on many space missions.

Hot dogs are sold at the Vatican Snack Bar.

The 2nd Triennial Hotdog Party

For anyone without access to a dictionary--triennial means reoccuring once every three years. The best guesses include:
1. Daryl will have three parties in his lifetime and this is the second one.
2. Daryl is turning 30.

Here are the pictures.

Daryl, nephews, and the hotdog cake.

D enjoying a dog.

Jonas digging into his baby hotdog cake.

Anagram fun

There are something like 6278 anagrams for the word "Christiansen". Our favorite is Raisin Stench. If I ever have a band or write a book, I've already got a great title.


We Need a Greenhouse

Two nights in a row an animal attacked our plants. The second night they smashed and shredded the little peat pots. The destroyer didn't eat anything, it just destroyed. And it probably laughed while it worked.


Toll Canyon Hike

Photos by Beck

Something pretty.

A beautiful tree.

Something yellow.

The house in June

The house looks blue, but it's dark gray. The garage is earthy red.