
Funny 3-year-old girls

An actual conversation I heard between Macie and her friend Emily...

E: What's in your cheeks?
M: I don't know what you're talking about.
E: I said, what's inside your cheeks?
M: Bones.
E: Also there is squishy stuff.
M: Yeah. And there's a tunnel from your nose to your cheeks. That's how you swallow yogurt.
E: Oh. Where do the boogers come from?
M: There's a tunnel in your nose for boogers.
E: Do the boogers live in your forehead?
M: Um, yeah, I think so.
E: Let's go play.
M: Okay.


Beck's Book Club

For Beck's book club this month we read "My Father's Dragon". At the book club we did all the tricks Elmer did to the animals. This is everyone sucking a lollipop that was attached to a crocodile (our green sled). Sound weird? Read the book--everyone loved it. Macie is wearing a yellow shirt and Beck is in army pants.


Cool Classic Cars

Everyone by a Cadillac. Check out those fins.

Grandpa and Beck between a Delorian and a Hupmobile

Macie by a Studabaker

Dad trying to guess the type of car...a Rolls Royce.

Jennifer and Jonas by a cool car. Photo by Beck.